Two Mandalas Combo

Two Mandalas Combo

410   900

Here are some potential benefits of colouring mandalas:

Relaxation and Stress Reduction:    Mindfulness and Meditation:        Creativity and Self-Expression: 

Concentration and Focus:      Therapeutic Benefits:           Mind-Body Connection:     Enjoyment and Fun: 

MRP= 900 INR          Offer Price   410 INR


What is a Mandala?

The word “mandala” originates from Sanskrit, an ancient Indian language, and it loosely translates to mean “circle” or “center.” It is a combination of two words “manda” and “la” with manda” meaning essence and la” meaning container. More than just a circle, the mandala represents wholeness and unity.

Anything circular in our lives can be considered a mandala, whether a physical or celestial object in our environment such as a seashell, a flower, the dome on a building, the sun or the moon or a conceptual circle such as our circles of family, friends and our community.

Mandalas are found in various cultures and spiritual traditions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, and Tibetan Buddhism. They hold significant symbolism and are often used as a tool for meditation, spiritual growth, and healing. Creating or colouring mandalas is a form of art therapy and a meditative practice.

When focusing on a mandala, individuals enter a state of deep concentration and mindfulness, allowing them to connect with their inner selves, achieve a sense of calm and harmony, and gain insights or self-awareness.