My Habit Tracker

My Habit Tracker

359   499

MRP= 499 INR          Offer Price   359 INR


 Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going. If you really want to be the person you have always intended to be, you need to make some serious changes in your daily habits. My Habit Tracker is designed in a way that will help you in this journey of becoming your better version. Research has shown that tracking your habits is one of the most effective ways to develop habits that last. Keeping track of your progress will motivate you to stick with new habits even when you feel like giving up. After you string together several days of completing your habit, you won’t want to “break the chain”, which will motivate you to inculcate the habit. After few days this practice will take you practically on autopilot. My Habit Tracker comes with an inspirational quote with picture of an inspiring personality on one side and habit tracking sheet on the other.